Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Bottle 41
Amancaya Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon 2007
This was rich! Delicious coloring, nose, legs, body and right out of the bottle. Dark fruit and heaven knows what else - I just got lost in this one - such a unique flavor which really stood out and just sort of eased into one luxurious experience. Sharing the taste of a delicious wine is truly one of life's simple joys!

Rex Goliath! 47 Pound Rooster Shiraz

Bottle 40
Rex Goliath!
47 Pound Rooster Shiraz
With some wines all you can do is try! This one had kind of a stinky nose newly poured but that improved as did the flavor once it was able to breath but as soon as it evolved into something kind of interesting it was gone - the taste totally dissipated as the wine made its way down your throat. What the heck? Maybe there is a bigger market than imagined for taste free wines, reminded me of 3 Blind Moose - for someone not into wine it's probably a real bargain!