Friday, September 25, 2009

Gnarly Head

Bottle 39
Gnarley Head California Cab 2006
Now here's a cab worthy of its name. You wouldn't expect Gnarley Head to be a delicate, pinky in the air kind of wine and it's not...this is a wine worthy of a good swig. It's fruity with hints of other subtleties (specificities in such areas is so 90's) which all come together to create a smooth taste - while it's not like a fast and furious ride on a roller coaster it is a nice little trek to the edge of the platform. Enjoyed!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Buffalo Red

Bottle 38
Sumerset Ridge Buffalo Red Semi-Sweet Red Wine
As if the gift of all this wine wasn't enough you all have helped me reach a profound conclusion - sweet and cab should never go together! This one isn't on the level of the St James concord grape jelly wine but for those who love a sweet-little-wine this is your treasure waiting to be discovered. Why if you were here I would pass the bottle and a little paper cup right to you.
Discovery #2, a wine named Buffalo Red should be a gigantic Cab, something that knocks a power punch to the senses not a wine one sips from a small cup or paper bag. The name of of wine sets expectations - truth in advertising please!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flyboy Red

Bottle 37
Flyboy Red Somerset Ridge Red Table Wine
With all due respects a wine from Paola, Kansas did illicit a bit of apprehension. I haven't yet completely blocked out the collision with St James Winery so strategic positioning in the kitchen was required. Alas my fears were unfounded, as a friend said it wasn't like drinking something which might require a tetanus shot. I'm not going to say it was good but you know it wasn't terrible. I commend these folks, Paola Kansas can't offer a particularly hospitable environment for thriving vines. Every wine has its place and time - this I imagine being a big seller as 2:45 a.m. rolls around and two of the most hated words in the english language are uttered...'Last Call'.

Norton Reserva Malbec 2006

Bottle 36
Norton Reserva Malbec 2006
What a delightful bottle this was - Norton is viewed as one of the big guns in Mendoza so there's a bit of a backlash against them with the smaller vineyards. Perhaps adding fuel to the fire is the fact that they consistently produce a very enjoyable wine. This was a tasty treat, boldly present producing a complex mix of fruit and earthy flavors with a nice follow through. No doubt here that you are drinking a rich and stimulating wine. In fact a couple bottles of this could possibly unearth the twisted psyche of one Glenn Beck...but then, on second thought, why spoil the fun!